But in fact, his first prospect is completely perched and wishes to obtain the independence of his lands from the United States. A lousy prospect Its happened to all of us before, right? Tell me in the comments if you have any anecdotes on this subject, I will make a video soon like the one I published on your worst Marketing anecdotes. The first prospect was lousy but maybe the next ones will be better? James continues his tour. The second lead generated with James marketing campaign invented toilets that encourage children to relieve themselves and he wants to file a patent Needless to say, this is not going to end! Head to the rd and final prospect generated thanks to the Old School Marketing operation .
You know what I mean. A grandmother who has a few dozen dollars in her pocket to make a will. We Albania WhatsApp Number are far from a return on investment for James who will have spent thousands of dollars for his TV spot and his billboard. Imagine your bosss face if you made him invest a Marketing budget for such a result? Yet this is what many do when they continue to invest in old Marketing. This extract clearly shows us its limits. physical, TV or radio advertising, you have no idea who you are going to reach or the volume of people you are going to reach.

Whereas with Digital Marketing, you know everything in real time. You can check tools like Google Analytics to see how many visitors are on your website and who they are. Better yet, with the Lead Scoring technique , you can measure the quality of your prospects automatically. Lead Scoring is a technique which consists of assigning points to a prospect or removing them based on their characteristics. how to score your leads with lead scoring Lets take the case of James grandmother Lets imagine that instead of discovering it via a billboard, she discovers it on a YouTube video.