In the Plumbing-Online project, search engine promotion is carried out by four specialists. To organize work within a department, a Kanban board is used. To set tasks related to other departments and cross-level tasks, the group works through task trackers. The processing card is also actively used in work. This is a visual format that indicates the number of directions and work that the SEO team takes on within the project. Areas that are optional or that cannot be covered at this time are highlighted as shown below. seo_huge-ecom1.png This allows you to create a department processing map with resource costs for areas and project work for all employees. Using the processing map, you can prioritize the development of areas. In addition, there is a problem in large ecom projects: they give a lot of tasks. To explain to management that there are not enough resources, they present a processing card.
Based on this, you can argue why it is necessary to expand the staff. How are Canada Phone Number Data communications organized? Communications play an important role in large EU projects. The department holds monthly meetings where employees discuss results and direction of movement. Additionally, there is a general marketing communications chat where issues that may arise spontaneously are resolved. There is also a general document with a marketing plan for the year, where all marketing business activities are visible and you can compare which department is doing what. When each department does its own thing and does not communicate enough with others, cases arise that can affect income.
The designers completed the work without informing the SEO department. In particular, regional addresses on subdomains were removed from the footer. As a result, traffic began to decline in the regions. Example 2. Traffic from the regions began to move to the main site from subdomains. It turned out that as part of the updated design, cities in the delivery block were removed from product cards. On large projects, loss of traffic means loss of money. Thus, communication is important to avoid getting into such unpleasant situations and reducing business income. Why is category development important? In many companies, only basic development is done. In large EU projects the task becomes more complicated.