are not careful in choosing an internet service provider, you may have problems. Although it is possible to change the provider, it can be a bit difficult. By making a conscious decision in choosing an internet service provider, you can increase your site traffic and it will affect your company's profitability. In this article, we will tell you some tips so that you know exactly what to consider when choosing a provider: Good web hosting along with basic website design and SEO and site optimization in safe ways can guarantee your internet marketing. Site speed Almost 50 percent of site users expect the site to load in 2 seconds and 40 percent of users expect it to load in 3 seconds. Underestimating slow loading speed can cause irreparable damage to your site.
A few years ago, an internal study showed that for every 100 microseconds that Cyprus Email List a website's loading speed decreases, the site's profitability decreases by approximately 1%. Assuming your site is properly optimized, your site load times should be very fast, unless your site host is negligent. If the problem is not caused by the servers or the additional overhead of the servers, which happens almost rarely, the responsibility of this issue rests with the host of your site. Preparation time The importance of preparation time for site owners is very high. For business owners, every minute delay and offline website means loss of traffic and reduced profitability. According to research conducted on 400 large and medium-sized customers, most businesses experience an average of five network outages per month. It goes without saying how dangerous lost time is to any business. There are many reasons why such sudden interruptions occur.
Including: Failure of network devices Lack of monitoring by system administrators Power outage Configuration changes are not performed correctly DDoS attacks While providing 100% online and on-time service is very difficult for web hosts, top providers always work hard to provide the best service at the right time. It is very important to work with a company that provides the best service on time. You can contact Darkob experts for advice on web hosting services. to support While sitting very quietly at your desk and drinking a cup of coffee, you open your site and face a 504 error. Do you check your messages to see if you have any messages from your website about schedule delays? You see nothing, the next step is to email your host and ask about the problem. A day later, during which you've lost potential traffic, you finally get a response stating how many servers were down.