This is it, you can find it completely free Play Store and Appstore application stores. Do not forget that Tuenti has ceased to be a social network and has become something completely different, so the appearance will be completely different from what you are used to, offering many options that have nothing to do with what you know, like Tuenti, so you need to be careful to access your content. We will not make the download of your files directly to the requested device. To download photos of Twenty we have to scroll through the menu, select the option that clearly states what you want, and indicate the destination you want to send this content.
You must install the latest version of the Whatsapp Number List application and only this will request you to send all your photos uploaded in different albums. All you have to do is sign in with your email and password and once you 're signed in , you'll have the option to download your photos, which is in the My Profile > Photos section. You need to write your email so we can send you a download link containing all your photos stored in Twenty. Note that you can download photos you have uploaded and tagged you as long as the privacy option is enabled.

tuenti photos download If you haven't logged into your the access data you had. Don't worry, you just have to click on the word that says " Can't access your account. " and follow the steps to recover your password to continue with the download. Once you get the download link, you can access it from your computer or wherever you want to save and download the file, now enjoy a time machine and enjoy your old memories from a decade ago. Although Twentie is not losing everything, turnover increased by to , million euros, while losses decreased by to million.