You bought the ERP to manage your information and business processes more easily. You made your online store to open another channel through which to sell your products. In theory, both should solve problems. In practice, their combination brings new problems - which I hope you will recognize in the list below. Problem 1. You spend a lot of time transcribing the commands by hand This is the moment when you start to curse the success of the online store. The more orders you receive in the online store, the more work you have to make the orders reach the ERP . And you will feel the strongest that you are the slave of your own success in the peak periods, when you have to focus on deliveries and supply , and not on entering information from one program to another. If in those moments of intense (and useless) work you say to yourself, " What nonsense, is it possible that I stop entering all these orders in the ERP?" ", it means that you are ready to go to the next level - which is also wrong, but at least you take a step forward: you hire someone to enter the orders in the ERP in your place . And you breathe easy. Phew.
Problem 2. You pay someone to transcribe orders (and customers) As I said, breathe easy. A time. Because new problems arise, such as for example that you still have a salary to pay . So you have to sell more and faster, find suppliers that are cheaper or that deliver faster or that let you Phone Number Data pay later than the ones you have now. Do you notice how solving one problem creates new ones? If you are an entrepreneur, you are probably used to this and have long since lost hope that the series of problems has an end. You have a small achievement, however: you no longer have to enter the commands YOURSELF . It's someone else's problem now. Phew. Problem 3. Wrong orders After a week you will find that things are not rosy at all and you already have some clients who are yelling at you.

Some on the phone, others on Facebook: " I ordered a B cup bra, not a D cup - will you also pay for my breast augmentation ?" Probable cause: the new colleague made a wrong product code. It's okay, we leave the already shipped D size to the client (maybe she'll be pregnant one day and it will be useful) and we also send B, we have enough bras, because they grow on trees here. " On the website it says that I will receive the TV the next day and 3 days have already passed! Probable cause: the delivery address was transcribed incorrectly, and the TV arrived in Dej instead of Gherla. What luck: the two cities are close to each other, we are talking to the courier to reroute the order. " You sent my phone number twice! I only ordered one piece! "Probable cause: the new colleague did not mark one of the orders as Delivered and two days later he delivered it again.