Descriptions, meta keywords, were more valuable some time ago but now they are no longer important for SEO mainly because they are overused. Links We have already seen in keywords and architecture classes that links are essential for any project. The link structure of our website should reflect a certain level to maintain technical benefits for the user experience. We continue by describing the most important types of links.
Through which we can optimize our on-page SEO. link the pages Phone Number List of our website to each other. Search engines will look at the number of internal links pointing to each page on your site. The technique of internal linking creates a coherent and user-centered architecture. If you do get good results on a certain page of your site you can link to other pages you want to promote to improve your.

Results. Always link using keywords in the anchor text. Example keywords in What are External Links External links are also known as outbound links. These types of links are links that take users from your site to another site. People in the industry have not yet reached a consensus on whether adding external links is bad. The technician said that if you put too much, you will be punished. Others said they.