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How often do Google core updates happen









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發表於 2024-3-13 15:52:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The information we get about these updates is limited, as you can see from Google’s official document on core updates and their announcement post. Most of the data and strategies we get from this update are through webmaster tools, expert insights, and speculations. Generally, they’re released every few months, with the last two being in May and September of 2022. You can check the release dates of all the core updates so far in this document. Google tends to announce these updates a few days before, or the day of. At times, you might even start to see the effects of one a few days before it’s officially announced.

Once released, it can take several days up to a few weeks to finish rolling out for users. The March 2023 Core Update Google’s March 2023 Core Update was released on the 15th of March and officially finished rolling out on the . The official CY Lists twitter announcement of the March 2023 Core Update It took 13 days to roll out, and this update was more noticeable than the last one we had in September 2022. Here’s a quick rundown of what widely notable effects I and other SEOs have seen so far:

Target: All types of content, as is usually the case with core updates. Penalty: No penalty, focused on promoting or rewarding pages that fit their new algorithm. Impact: Global update, impacting all regions, and in all languages. This one hit hard and fast, and we saw significant volatility in the SERPs (more on that later). Features: Core updates impact Google’s features, such as Discover, featured snippets, and more. Just like any other core update from Google, the update seems to reward websites that follow E-E-A-T, high-quality content, and improved user experience. Websites that don’t hit these criteria or practice black hat SEO will likely see significant losses.


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