Zen will itself recommend your materials to a new audience, which can go to the Telegram channel via a link on the blog. The downside is that there are many requirements of the site, which are becoming tougher and tougher every year, so you can be limited in coverage for any little thing. For example, my Zen channel was restricted for mentioning medicinal plants. And dozens more reasons why Zen can limit your channel And dozens more reasons why Zen can limit your channel In principle, you can promote Telegram for free if you try really hard, but definitely not quickly. This can work if you already have a large audience on other platforms and you invite them to Telegram.
Read also How to create attractive content for Telegram in 2023 - tips. How to quickly promote a Telegram channel using paid methods It is easiest and fastest to promote Telegram using paid methods - using targeted advertising and buying mentions. We talked about how to launch Web Development Services official advertising in the article “How to launch advertising in Telegram Ads and in other ways: setting up an advertising campaign and saving your budget.” Here we will briefly talk about ways to quickly promote a Telegram channel: Buying advertising from channels and bloggers. Make a selection of personal and commercial channels with a suitable audience and similar topics on which you can implement advertising integration.

Prepare posts that may be of interest to subscribers and negotiate with channel owners about placement. A personal recommendation of your channel from a blogger will help you quickly promote your blog on Telegram and gain a live, interested audience. Before agreeing on placement and price, analyze the detailed statistics of the channel in Stat for cheating, so as not to waste your budget on bots. Don't forget to add a lead magnet to your post and explain why you should subscribe to your channel.